Four of Wands and King of Swords

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Four of Wands and King of Swords cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Four of Wands and card King of Swords

The combination of the King of Swords in the upright position and the Four of Wands in the upright position speaks of stability and reliability. The King represents mental strength, the ability to analyze, and make principled decisions. The Four of Wands adds a sense of comfort, stability, and reliability to this picture. Perhaps the period of searching and experimentation has ended, and it is time to enjoy the results. It is like a stable and confident person who has already settled their life and home and enjoys each day.

Combination of reversed card Four of Wands and card King of Swords

The combination of the King of Swords upright and the Four of Wands reversed indicates some imbalance. The King of Swords represents logic, rationality, and confidence in one's actions, but the Four of Wands reversed points to instability, possible dissatisfaction with the situation, or even chaos. It's like a smart and confident person suddenly finding themselves in a chaotic situation that requires not only a rational approach but also emotional involvement.

Combination of card Four of Wands and reversed card King of Swords

The combination of the King of Swords reversed and the Four of Wands upright indicates the misuse of power. The King of Swords reversed may signify cruelty, ruthlessness, or a lack of self-control. The Four of Wands upright represents stability and security, which can be disrupted by the negative traits of the King. It’s like a person who is too harsh on others despite the apparent stability and prosperity.

Combination of reversed card Four of Wands and reversed card King of Swords

Combination of the King of Swords in reverse and the Four of Wands in reverse indicates a difficult situation. The King of Swords in this position can mean cruelty, ruthlessness, or lack of self-control. The Four of Wands in reverse adds instability, possible dissatisfaction with the situation, or even chaos. It's like a person with negative qualities ends up in an already complicated situation, which only worsens it.