Combination of card Four of Wands and card Five of Swords
When the Five of Swords meets the Four of Wands upright, a controversial situation is foretold. On one hand, this combination may indicate a potential conflict where someone pursues their goals too persistently and aggressively. However, there is also a positive aspect: often, disputes and conflicts lead to a new level of mutual understanding and cooperation.
Combination of reversed card Four of Wands and card Five of Swords
If the Five of Swords in an upright position meets the Four of Wands reversed, be prepared for some challenges. It might be because one partner pursues their goals too aggressively, which can lead to conflict. However, despite this, there is always a chance to find a compromise and resolve the dispute.
Combination of card Four of Wands and reversed card Five of Swords
The combination of the Five of Swords reversed with the Four of Wands upright also deserves attention. This suggests that a person tries to avoid conflicts but may face communication and interaction issues with others. It might be worth focusing on your relationships and finding more effective ways to interact.
Combination of reversed card Four of Wands and reversed card Five of Swords
Finally, if the Five of Swords reversed appears with the Four of Wands reversed, it might indicate a certain passivity or inability of the person to fight for their interests. The person may try to avoid conflicts and disputes, but they are unable to achieve their goals and realize their plans.