Four of Cups and Five of Cups

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Four of Cups and Five of Cups cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Four of Cups and card Five of Cups

The combination of the first positions of these cards promises important life lessons. Here we see excessive overconfidence and blindness to new opportunities that life offers. It's similar to someone missing a unique chance because they're too caught up in their own thoughts and problems. At the same time, the Five of Cups speaks of losses and disappointment that this attitude can cause. But don't forget about the two remaining cups on the card—they symbolize hope and new opportunities.

Combination of card Four of Cups and reversed card Five of Cups

A slightly different picture emerges with the combination of the Four of Cups in the upright position and the Five of Cups in the reversed position. It's as if a person, full of their own thoughts and emotions, suddenly finds the strength to overcome difficulties and disappointments. There's a certain degree of optimism here, as the reversed Five of Cups signifies overcoming grief and readiness for new beginnings.

Combination of reversed card Four of Cups and card Five of Cups

When the Four of Cups reversed combines with the Five of Cups upright, we see a completely different scenario. This combination of cards may indicate a person who, having overcome their fears and doubts, still feels deep disappointment. It resembles a situation where someone who has overcome difficulties expects joy and relief but instead faces new problems or unresolved issues.

Combination of reversed card Four of Cups and reversed card Five of Cups

The combination of these reversed cards indicates the possibility of positive changes. Here, we see a person starting to acknowledge their mistakes and open up to new opportunities. It's like someone who has been through a difficult period in life finally finding the strength to move on and seeing hope on the horizon. This card combination can signify a challenging but important life lesson that helps a person become stronger and wiser.