Five of Wands and The Hanged Man

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Five of Wands and The Hanged Man cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Five of Wands and card The Hanged Man

When The Hanged Man in the upright position combines with the Five of Wands also in the upright position, it signals strong inner conflict. You might need to make sacrifices or give up something important for greater goals. This is a time of trials and turbulent events. But remember, struggles and difficulties make us stronger. Don't be afraid to face the challenge and follow your chosen path.

Combination of reversed card Five of Wands and card The Hanged Man

If The Hanged Man upright combines with the Five of Wands reversed, it may indicate a conflict between the desire to accept circumstances and the urge to fight. You might feel that your efforts are useless and not yielding results. In such cases, you should look at the situation from a new perspective.

Combination of card Five of Wands and reversed card The Hanged Man

When the Hanged Man reversed combines with the Five of Wands upright, it indicates an inability to accept change and a refusal to fight. Perhaps the person is tired of constant turmoil and wants to find solitude to reconsider their position. But remember, retreat doesn't always mean defeat. Sometimes it’s a step back to take two steps forward.

Combination of reversed card Five of Wands and reversed card The Hanged Man

The combination of The Hanged Man reversed and the Five of Wands reversed suggests that the person refuses to engage in their inner conflict and struggle. They may have decided to leave things as they are and not intervene. This could be a protective reaction to excessive stress or painful circumstances. However, remember that passivity is not always the best choice. Sometimes, it is important to take action, even if it is difficult.