Five of Swords and Strength

This page is dedicated to a detailed exploration of the combination of Five of Swords and Strength cards in a tarot spread for various aspects of life: love, career, finances, and spiritual growth. Study the symbolism and interpretation of the upright and reversed connection of these two arcana.

Combination of card Five of Swords and card Strength

The combination of the Strength and Five of Swords cards in the upright position symbolizes struggle and overcoming difficulties. Conflict may arise from differences in views or desires, but controlled strength and confidence will help you come out victorious. For example, it could be a fight for justice at work or protecting your interests in the family.

Combination of reversed card Five of Swords and card Strength

The combination of the Strength card in the upright position and the Five of Swords in the reversed position promises a harmonious resolution of the conflict. There may have been difficulties and struggles, but thanks to controlled strength and confidence, a solution satisfying all parties was found. This could be related to winning an argument or successfully completing a project.

Combination of card Five of Swords and reversed card Strength

The combination of the Strength card in reverse and the Five of Swords upright indicates a possible defeat in conflict or struggle. The person may have let their emotions overrule their reason, leading to unforeseen consequences. This can be linked to an unresolved family drama or a failure at work.

Combination of reversed card Five of Swords and reversed card Strength

The combination of the reversed Strength and Five of Swords indicates the need to overcome inner fears and doubts. The person might be afraid to take responsibility or face conflict. However, these challenges will help them become stronger and more confident. It could involve overcoming the fear of public speaking or taking responsibility for their actions.