Why these 3 zodiac signs repel the people they like

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The more someone likes us, the stranger we behave – that's the paradox. Representatives of these zodiac signs don't mumble or blush with embarrassment. They have a different problem: they push away those who are truly dear to them, building a high wall where it shouldn't be. Why do they, figuratively speaking, shoot themselves in the foot and how can they stop ruining what hasn't even started yet?

Scorpio: Tests of Resilience

Scorpios tend to conduct "tests" on those they are fond of. Once a Scorpio realizes they care about someone, a protective mechanism activates in their mind. "What if this person disappoints me? I'd better find out right away," they think.

And so it begins: the Scorpio distances themselves to see if they will be sought after; they make sharp remarks to observe the reaction; they spread false information to check what this person will tell others about them. As a result, the person receives rejection signals and either backs off or responds in kind.
purple light filter, realism, a man and a woman sitting at a table, the man showing the woman a stop sign with his hand
These Zodiac Signs Push Away People They Like
Source: DALL-E
The more a Scorpio tries to protect themselves from future pain, the more likely it is that pain will occur. According to astrologers at zoomboola.com, their "tests" destroy the most valuable aspect of a relationship — trust.

Aquarius: Runs from Intimacy

When someone gets too close to the heart of Aquarius, he starts to overtly deny any signs of romantic interest. He'll discuss the latest news, philosophical concepts, anything to avoid talking about feelings. He suddenly reduces the time spent together, responds in monosyllables, or pretends to be a busy person with a packed schedule.
The root of Aquarius's problem lies in their paradoxical nature. They simultaneously crave love, which requires a strong emotional bond, and are terrified of losing their independence. Aquarius views relationships as a threat to his freedom.

Cancer: Defends by Attacking

Cancer reacts to affection with the enthusiasm of a cat being forced into a bath: hissing, clawing, and backing away. When Cancer realizes they truly like someone, their behavior becomes highly illogical: nitpicking minor details, imagining flaws in the person, and creating drama out of thin air.
Cancer might conduct an intense interrogation about past relationships, accuse others of nonexistent intentions, but most often they become unbearably demanding. To outsiders, this seems like evident dislike, while inside, Cancer is experiencing the opposite emotion.
Cancer's strange behavior stems from their strong memory and fear of past traumas repeating. Every time Cancer starts feeling strong emotions, their mind serves up painful memories. The irony is that with this defensive behavior, Cancer often provokes the very reactions they fear.
If you recognize yourself in any of these descriptions, don't despair, as acknowledging the problem is already half the solution. The next step is to learn to notice the moments when your defense mechanisms automatically activate. When you feel like you're about to push away someone you like, pause and ask yourself: "What am I really defending against? What's the worst that could happen if I let this person get closer?"

Remember, healthy relationships are only possible between two whole individuals, each taking responsibility for their own emotions and behavior. No horoscope predetermines your fate—it merely highlights trends you are free to work with.