Leo is stuck in an endless carousel of his own grandeur. In this never-ending performance, he has long lost the boundary between the stage and life, turning love into an endless chase for applause.Cancer
Cancer has turned his soul into a museum of painful memories, where each new visitor must pay for the sins of the previous ones. His heart is an archive of unforgiven grievances, and each new page is written with the ink of old disappointments.He is so afraid of new wounds that he has forgotten the possibility of healing. His shell, made of tears and fears, has become so heavy that a living heart no longer beats beneath it. It's time to burn this archive of painful memories and let the ashes of the past fertilize the soil for new feelings.
Libras balance over the abyss of their own fears, holding a pole of compromises. Their eternal dance of diplomacy has turned into a sophisticated form of escape from reality. Behind every concession hides a fear of conflict, and behind every "yes" lies an unspoken "no".They are so engrossed in maintaining balance that they've forgotten how to move forward. It's like a chess game: if you go into deep defense and forget about attacking, victory is out of reach. It's time to jump off this tightrope and learn to dance on solid ground.
Virgo tries to polish the diamond of love until it turns to dust. Her pursuit of perfection is like acid, corroding the living fabric of relationships. In her hands, the most genuine feelings become subjects for endless improvement.She has created a sterile space around herself where there's no room for real emotions. Her love resembles an operating room: every feeling is dissected under a microscope. It's time to turn off the microscope and learn to see the beauty of imperfection with the naked eye.