Gemini start feeling restless as soon as the novelty in a relationship disappears. When everything becomes predictable, it's like a countdown timer starts inside them. They notice that each day resembles the previous one, and conversations with their partner go in circles.Aquarius
Aquarians feel suffocated by the mere thought of their life being planned out for years ahead. Joint plans that inspire others trigger anxiety in them. Even if a partner gives them complete freedom, the very existence of a stable relationship feels like a heavy burden of responsibility.They start to distance themselves, invent new hobbies, projects, and find reasons to spend time apart. Any attempts by a partner to bring more certainty into their life are perceived as an attack on their personal independence. As a result, they end up "sabotaging" the relationship without even realizing it—simply because they don't know how to exist within the framework of long-term commitments.
Sagittarians lose themselves in the routine of long-term relationships. Their souls crave adventure and new experiences, and the habitual pace of life together feels deadly boring to them. They physically feel each day of predictability draining a bit of their life energy.The paradox is that they strive for serious relationships, but once they achieve this goal, they panic. They begin to feel that they've betrayed their true nature by trading freedom for comfort. They may then either start to sabotage the relationship from within or simply disappear in search of new horizons.