Pisces: Dreamers Without Borders
Pisces are champions in building castles in the air. Reality? No, never heard of it. For Pisces, the world of imagination is much brighter and more appealing than harsh reality.
Leo: the Star of an Imaginary Show
In the world of Leos, they're always in the spotlight. They are like the main characters of an epic saga where every step they take is important and meaningful. A reality where they're just ordinary people? Alas, that's not for them.Leos expect applause for every action and genuinely wonder why the world doesn't applaud their brilliance. They create scenarios in their minds where they always win, are always right, and are always the best. And when reality doesn't meet these expectations, they simply ignore it, continuing to live in their imagined world of fame and admiration.
Sagittarius: The Eternal Optimist with Rose-Colored Glasses
Sagittarians are incurable optimists. They live in a world where everything will always be fine, no matter the circumstances. Problems? What problems? Sagittarians are sure that everything will somehow resolve itself.This illusion of a perpetual happy ending prevents them from assessing situations adequately and taking necessary actions. They postpone solving problems, believing tomorrow will magically improve. Sagittarians create perfect future scenarios in their minds without considering that action is required to achieve them. They are so engrossed in their rosy fantasies that they sometimes miss the warning signs of reality.