Sixth House in Astrology

The Sixth House in astrology relates to work, service, health, daily responsibilities, and routine. This house covers aspects of everyday life that require organization, discipline, and attention to detail. The Sixth House also concerns pets, self-improvement through hard work, and the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle.
The Sixth House is associated with work and health
The Sixth House is associated with work and health


The Sun in the Sixth House emphasizes the importance of work in a person's life, their drive for perfection, and the satisfaction they get from completing daily tasks. These individuals are very dedicated to their work and strive for excellence in everything they do. Taking care of their body also plays a significant role in their lives. Learn more about the significance of the Sun in astrology.

The Moon

The Moon in the Sixth House indicates a strong emotional connection with work and colleagues, as well as a high need for a comfortable work environment. Changes at work can lead to emotional setbacks for them. These people are in tune with their bodies and intuitively understand their needs, often turning to alternative medicine. Learn more about the significance of the Moon in astrology.


Mercury in the Sixth House boosts mental activity in the professional field. These individuals excel in organizational and analytical skills. They tend to pursue careers related to writing, teaching, and information dissemination. Learn more about the significance of Mercury in astrology.


People with Venus in the Sixth House excel at strengthening workplace relationships and find solace in daily tasks, even small and unambitious ones. They often build impressive careers in beauty, fashion, or any field that requires good taste. Learn more about the significance of Venus in astrology.


Mars in the Sixth House provides boundless energy and ambition regarding work. Such people can't stay idle, always take the initiative, and strive for leadership. They tend to have conflicts with colleagues and often suffer from overwork due to their workaholism. Learn more about the significance of Mars in astrology.


Jupiter in the Sixth House promises success and luck in work endeavors, including regular promotions and successful projects. These people find satisfaction in helping others. Their optimism energizes the team with a positive attitude. They strive to improve the quality of life through healthy eating and regular exercise. Learn more about the significance of Jupiter in astrology.


Saturn in the Sixth House emphasizes the importance of discipline, hard work, and responsibility. People with this placement are very organized and reliable employees, but unfortunately, they often encounter obstacles on their way to career peaks. They rarely get anything "just like that."

They take care of their health by scheduling their day to the minute and not deviating from the routine. Due to their overly responsible approach to planning, they often face burnout. Learn more about the meaning of Saturn in astrology.


Uranus in the Sixth House. These individuals can build brilliant careers in fields related to technology, innovation, or scientific research. Their work environment is dynamic and ever-changing. Independence and diverse solutions are extremely important to them. Routine is a frightening word for them, and they try their best to avoid monotony in any form. Learn more about the significance of Uranus in astrology.


Neptune in the Sixth House is typical for intuitive people. They find themselves in music, cinema, and volunteering. They often have misconceptions about health and an interest in spiritual or alternative self-care methods. They struggle with organization in daily life. Learn more about the significance of Neptune in astrology.


Pluto in the Sixth House. Such people tend to have a strong desire for transformation and control in the workplace, with an innate interest in medicine, which allows them to make a name in the fields of medicine, psychology, or pharmaceuticals. Learn more about the meaning of Pluto in astrology.