Eleventh House in Astrology

The Eleventh House in astrology relates to friendship, social connections, group projects, dreams, and ambitions. This house reflects our ability to work in a team, our drive for public recognition, and our desire to contribute to a community of like-minded people. It also concerns our hopes and wishes, as well as our ability to attract support to achieve personal goals. The Eleventh House symbolizes innovation, ideals, and our vision for the future.
The eleventh value is associated with friendship, dreams and ambitions
The eleventh value is associated with friendship, dreams and ambitions


The Sun in the Eleventh House. People with the Sun in the 11th house usually lead their social circles. They have a strong desire to belong to various communities and influence their activities. They possess a heightened sense of solidarity, but their need for societal approval can lead to a loss of individuality. Problems in the group can also arise due to their egoism. Their confidence in their own rightness prevents them from considering the opinions of other group members. Learn more about the meaning of the Sun in astrology.


The Moon in the eleventh house indicates a deep emotional connection with friends and like-minded groups. These individuals seek emotional support through their social connections. They intuitively understand collective needs but rely too much on their groups and public opinion, struggling to say "no" to friends, even if it harms their personal interests. Learn more about the significance of the Moon in astrology.


Mercury in the eleventh house gives a person excellent communication skills. These people know how to communicate and convey ideas, and they work well in a team. However, they have so many friends, acquaintances, and connections that they often treat these relationships too superficially. Learn more about the significance of Mercury in astrology.


Venus in the eleventh house gives a person popularity in social circles. These people easily make friends because they are charming, usually attractive, and easy to talk to. Their weaknesses include an excessive need for social recognition and a tendency towards superficial social connections. Learn more about the significance of Venus in astrology.


Mars in the Eleventh House. Mars brings energy and ambition to a person's character, helping them achieve both individual and collective goals. These people make excellent team players who can generate ideas, motivate others, and accomplish set tasks. Justice and equality are among the main values for people with Mars in the Eleventh House. However, their strong desire to succeed at any cost often makes them stubborn and intolerant of other viewpoints. Learn more about the significance of Mars in astrology.


Jupiter in the eleventh house. Jupiter increases a person's opportunities in society, bestows charisma, optimism, and a broad outlook, which allows them to inspire friends and lead them. These people strive to strengthen social connections, value friendship and cooperation, and are always ready to help. Their desire to help everyone can make them too soft and accommodating, and excessive optimism may prevent them from accepting criticism adequately. Learn more about the significance of Jupiter in astrology.


Saturn in the eleventh house. These people excel in friendship through reliability and the ability to take responsibility in group activities and projects. Weaknesses: a constant sense of isolation and a tendency towards pessimism. These individuals are introverted, struggle with making new acquaintances, and their attachment to stability hinders them from adapting to new groups. Learn more about the significance of Saturn in astrology.


Uranus in the eleventh house. These people are lone wolves, and their individualism naturally affects their social interactions. They tend to abruptly change their social circle, cutting off previous relationships as their interest quickly fades. They see no point in maintaining connections without genuine interest. Learn more about the significance of Uranus in astrology.


Neptune in the eleventh house. Neptune is the planet of illusions, mysticism, and empathy. Positioned in the house of friendship and social connections, it makes a person an idealist in this area of life. Such a person tends to idealize their friends, and when reality contradicts their expectations, they feel deeply disappointed. They avoid conflicts, which sometimes leads to unresolved problems. However, they strive to see the best in people and will undoubtedly support their friends in any endeavors. Learn more about the significance of Neptune in astrology.


Pluto in the Eleventh House. Pluto, the planet of the depths of the subconscious and power, adds a special nuance to relationships when in the "house of friendship." Such people seek genuine, serious friendships. They are not satisfied with being acquaintances; they expect complete understanding and unconditional support from friends.

Those whom a person with Pluto in the Eleventh House can call friends are lucky: if they feel a strong connection with someone, they are ready to stand by them in any circumstances. Their desire for control can become a problem, as they might try to manipulate or pressure friends too much. Excessive suspicion can make them see threats where there are none. Learn more about the significance of Pluto in astrology.